Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oct. 22-28 Chapter 9 Managing Face

Facebook is a really great tool in our technology driven era, but it is like a chainsaw. Effective and great for certain jobs, but it can be destructive as well. I know many people, as well as myself personally, whose romantic relationships have been ended due to issues with Facebook. I tend to use Facebook to interact with my friends and family. It is also an outlet that can be used to express my feelings and thoughts. Posting too much on Facebook however can be seen as needy for attention, or can give the impression that the person has too much time on their hands, and are seeking approval. People who post a lot to social networking sites are trying to improve their positive face by seeking support from their peers who they hope will show interest and recognition of their post. By posting absurd amounts of content on social networking sites the consequences that the poster faces are the opposite of what they initially sought. Often times when people think someone is on their timeline or twitter feed too much, they simply unfriend or unfollow that person.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Merlin,
    I totally agree with your analysis of social networking over users. My roommate is one of those people who posts her everyday occurrences as well as every feeling she experiences through out the day. I've heard other friends complain that they are tired of seeing her posts and threatening to block her posts from appearing on their feed. I think it is important for some people to write down their feelings and their daily actions, but maybe they should try doing it in a journal instead of online for everyone to see. Even though they are wanting for people to feel connected and relate they are not realizing they are doing a poor job of managing their face via online social networking.
    Thanks for posting - Kenzie Marie
